We're expanding!
We're expanding!
Due to unprecedented growth, Pro-MotionPix is currently hiring for several positions, and we're looking for applicants who can start immediately!
What kind of experience are we looking for?
What kind of experience are we looking for?
Helpful (but not mandatory) experience includes:
working at a dealership
working as a valet
working as a vehicle porter
any automotive industry experience
working outside
physically demanding jobs
experience driving manual transmission vehicles
What qualities are we looking for?
What qualities are we looking for?
hard working
extremely reliable, rarely taking time off from work
willing to be trained
willing to follow processes laid out
able to handle obstacles
self motivated
able to work without in-person direction
able to talk to the managers at the dealerships
What are we NOT looking for?
What are we NOT looking for?
professional photographers
people seeking professional photography experience
people seeking creative jobs